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Hockerill Anglo-European College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a suite of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitments, including our Child Protection Policy which can be viewed below. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns are discussed with student's parents first unless we have reason to believe that this would be contrary to the child’s welfare. The College actively supports the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Lucy Tinnirello (Head of Student Health and Wellbeing). Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Nicola Ashlee-McCrae (Assistant Principal), Sarah Coleman (Assistant Principal and Director of Boarding), Jonathan Ellams (Assistant Principal), Caroline Lewis (Vice Principal), Clare Mackinlay (Pastoral Manager) and Tanya Panayiotou (Director of Inclusion). See poster in page downloads for further information.
At Hockerill, we pride ourselves on the pastoral care we provide to students. Staff at Hockerill are highly experienced in supporting students with all kinds of problems and we work together to get you any help you may need. Many staff will have previous experience of helping students with difficulties similar to those which you may face, whether they relate to College or life outside of the school gates.
This webpage enables you to get additional help and advice about a wide range of issues such as those listed below;
- You are being bullied
- You are concerned about someone else being bullied
- You are feeling unhappy at school
- You are feeling stressed about exams
- You are concerned a crime may have been committed
- You are concerned about your own safety
- You are concerned about someone else's safety
- You are worried about your own or another person’s behaviour
- You or a friend are unhappy at home
Students - if you want to report any concerns either speak directly to any member of staff or CLICK HERE TO REPORT A CONCERN which will take you to a form to complete.
You will be given the option to either include your name and details or to send your report anonymously. However, it is easier for us to follow up your concerns if you give us your name so that we can ensure that you get the right help. Please be assured that we will deal with your concern in a way which will protect your identity if this is necessary to keep you safe.
What happens when you make a report using the Report button?
A notification will be sent to the College’s Safeguarding Leads and the most relevant member of staff will be asked to you to offer support. Dependent on the nature of the report, it may be either a Form Tutor, Head of Year/House or one of the Safeguarding Leads. We may also consider asking external professionals to help support you.
How quickly will someone contact you?
Your report will be sent to the Safeguarding inbox which is checked daily.
THIS IS NOT AN EMERGENCY SERVICE. If your concern is urgent you must speak to an adult immediately as reports are read once a day.
If you have an urgent child protection concern about a student at Hockerill (including yourself), you must contact one of the agencies below.
Hertfordshire Children's Service - 0300 123 4043
Police - 999 (when a child is in immediate risk of harm) or 101 (non-emergency)
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
If you are a parent and you would like to report a safeguarding concern, please email the email address below:
Third Party Disclosures It's everyone’s responsibility to report concerns related to children and make referrals to Children Services and the Police if suspected that a child has been abused or is at risk of abuse. Therefore, when safeguarding concerns are shared with the Designated Safeguarding Lead in a school by a parent or member of the public, it is important to note that there is equal responsibility by the complainant to report the matter also directly rather than assume the responsibility is that of the school. If unsure of how to do this speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead / Principal and they will advise accordingly.
If you need immediate help outside of College hours please refer to the details below:
Hockerill Student Wellbeing Team: Student Wellbeing is a place for you to find information and advice on managing your wellbeing. The Tabs include useful weblinks and the Files include a number of resources from reliable sources - these have been grouped into different themes. We add to the resources regularly to try and provide as much up to date information as we can. There is an opportunity for you to ask for help in the 'Report a concern’ tab. If you are unable to access the Student Wellbeing Team, please email your Head of Year to report this
NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health For information on common mental health conditions, plus audio files and videos on coping with specific mental health conditions.
Mind: www.mind.org.uk. National mental health charity whose website contains lots of information on mental health conditions and contact details for local Mind counselling services.
Young Minds: youngminds.org.uk. National mental health charity campaigning for improvements in services for children and young people. Has a helpline for parents.
Childline: www.childline.org.uk. Information and advice for any young person under the age of 19. Staffed by qualified counsellors.
Youth Enquiry Service (YES): www.yesyouthenquiryservice.org. Local organisation providing free counselling and information to 11-25 year-olds in Colchester and Tendring.
Big White Wall: www.bigwhitewall.com/landing-pages/landingV3.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f Online support and therapy for those aged 16 and over. Free to join via NHS in our area.
CALM: www.thecalmzone.net/about-calm/what-is-calm. National charity dedicated to preventing male suicide. Offers web chat and helpline support.
Beat: www.b-eat.co.uk. National charity supporting those with eating disorders. Website offers message boards and helpline.
FRANK: www.talktofrank.com. National drug education service. Website offers live chat, helpline and email answering services as well as information.
Childline: www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/your-feelings/sexual-identity. Information pages about sexual identity and gender.
CEOP: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/How-can-CEOP-help-me- law enforcement agency there to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online and give advice. You can make a report directly to them if you are worried about online sexual abuse or something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online.
Document Title |
DSL Visitor Document 2025 |
DSL Student Document 2025 |