
Our programme

Year Group


CDI Framework

Year 7

·       PSHE - Resilience

·       STEM lessons

·       2

·       4

Year 8

·       PSHE - Enterprise

·       6,7,15

Year 9

·       Options Meeting

·       IB Days - Enterprise activity, University campus visit

·       Making Informed Choices

·       14,15,17

·       5,6,9,11

·       4,5,6

Year 10

·       CV Preparation

·       Mock Interviews

·       Morrisby Profiling

·       Language Exchange Work Experience

·       11,16

·       11,16

·       1,2

·       5,9

Year 11

·      Herts SfYP Interviews

·       NCS Assembly

·       IAG meetings

·       Careers & Making Choices

·       14,17

·       3,8

·       14,17

·       14

Sixth Form

·      Herts SfYP Interviews

·       Mock Interviews

·       UCAS Fair

·       University Presentations in college

·       UCAS/Oxbridge Support

·       Sixth Form Clubs and Electives eg Young Enterprise, MedSoc

·       Wednesday afternoon careers activities

·       17

·       11,16

·       14

·       14

·       14

·       8,12


·       6,11,12


All Years

·       National Careers Week Seminars

·       Biennial Careers Fair

·       4,5,6

·       4,5,6

The Careers Development Institute provides a framework against which schools and colleges can measure their CEIAG provision, the numbers in the table above show which parts of the framework that activity covers. Essentially the framework ensures that young people have the opportunity to develop themselves, learn about careers and to make themselves more employable and ready for the world of work. For more information about it please CLICK HERE.